• The Events Industry Forum, Engine Rooms, Station Road, Chepstow, NP16 5PB

All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG)

The Forum has been instrumental in setting up an all-party group made up of Members of Parliament and the House of Lords.

Members of the group generally have a particular interest in the events industry and are prepared to represent the events industry’s interests in Parliament.

If you have any issues you would like to make the Group aware of, or you would like to invite an MP or member of the House of Lords to an event, please contact EIF Secretary Jim Winship – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.eventsindustryforum.co.uk



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£226k Awarded

With funds raised from subscriptions since the relaunch of the Purple Guide, the Events Industry Forum (EIF) has issued over £226,000 in grants for projects supporting the outdoor events industry.   In addition, it has funded £65,000 in research.

If you have a project or idea which you believe may qualify for support, visit the Purple Guide grants page to learn more.

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