The Events Industry Forum publishes the Purple Guide website, which provides guidance to help those who organise music or similar events run them safely.

The Forum took over publication of the Guide from the Health & Safety Executive in 2013 and set up a separate limited company – EIF Limited – to manage the publication. After covering administration costs, all income generated by sales of the Purple Guide is reinvested in the industry, much through grants and funding of projects such as research.

The Purple Guide is updated regularly and revisions to chapters are made available to subscribers as they are completed. Subscribers are automatically notified when revisions are made and receive these free as part of their annual subscription.

The Forum is currently working with Brighton & Hove Council and the Government with the aim of establishing Primary Authority status for the Purple Guide which would provide some protection for users of the guidance if they are challenged on it - see here

The Guide can be found on its own website at