The Events Industry Forum

About the Forum

  1. The Events Industry Forum represents the UK outdoor events industry and publishes the Purple Guide.  The Purple Guide is guidance, formerly published by the Health and Safety Executive which is widely recognised as the key reference source for managing events outdoors’.
  1. Membership of the Forum which operates as a not-for-profit organisation, is made up of event industry trade associations and representative organisations.  It also has an associate made up of enforcement agencies and similar bodies. The Forum meets regularly to discuss issues of common interest.
  1. The Forum Articles set out the parameters for how the Forum functions, including details of its operational structure and voting rights.  See Articles of Association.
  1. The Forum has a Chair and Secretary who are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day running of the organisation, and in addition a Board of Directors who are elected by the membership.

Current officers are Steve Heap (Association of Outdoor Event Managers) who is Chair and Jim Winship (The Event Services Association) who is Secretary.

Other Board Members are  Mark Laurie (NCASS); Carl Hagemann (CIMSPA); Tupokigwe Mwaljumba (Major Events International); Ian Baird (LAOEG), Tom Devine (UKCMA), Mark Bradshaw (EHA) and Craig Mathie (SCEF).

 Aims & Objectives

  1. The Forum is not a charity but operates as a ‘not-for-profit’ organisation in respect of all the income it generates.
  2. The Forum has no shares and or profits – after costs, all funds generated are ring-fenced to support projects that benefit the UK outdoor events industry through grants or direct funding.
  3. The Forum owns and publishes the Purple Guide – see
  4. For a list of current members of EIF see
  1. The Forum is open to membership from associations and organisations that work in and support the outdoor events industry.
  2. The Membership fee is a token figure of £50 per annum (on July 1, 2023).
  3. Each association has one vote.
  4. A variety of representatives from enforcement agencies such as police, the Institute of Licensing and others are invited to join Forum meetings as Associates but do not have a vote.
  5. In a stalemate vote the Chair has a discretionary extra vote.
  6. Associations and organisations are encouraged to send one member to meetings.  However, two can attend by arrangement with the Secretary, but only one can vote.
  7. The Forum meets generally four times a year.  Normally three virtually and one face-to-face.
  8. The Forum has no offices of its own but use the offices of the J&M Group Limited in Chepstow as registered and mailing address.
  9. The Chair and Secretary, by agreement of the Board, are paid an annual stipend plus agreed expense. Other board members can also claim expenses incurred during exhibitions and events attended on behalf of EIF.
  10. The main purpose of the Forum is to bring together its membership to highlight and discuss issues affecting the outdoor events industry and to advise, recommend and support its members collectively.
  1. The Forum is not a political lobby group but does occasionally act to support the industry and its members on issues that collectively affect them.
  2. The Forum may engage specialists from time to time to advise and sometimes speak for the Forum with the agreement of the Board.
  3. Guest speakers may occasionally be invited to address Forum meetings but do not have a vote.
  4. Purple Guide funds are collected at £25 + VAT per subscription from a wide variety of people both national and international. In view of the financial challenges faced by the industry the subscription has remained unchanged since the Forum took over publication of the Purple Guide.
  5. The Board may from time-to-time vary the fee charged for EIF Membership and subscriptions to the Purple Guide.   There are special rates for organisations purchasing multiple copies of the guide.

EIF and Purple Guide are both titles that are recognised and respected in both the events industry and government at all levels.